Live Course: Mastering the Training Scale in Dressage

This Master Class consists of two live online sessions focused on the Dressage Training Scale.   Discussion of the classical progression in the sport of Dressage using the Training Scale as the blue print will be the focus. Most people don’t specifically know the six levels of the training scale and how to progress from one level to the next. Without this understanding too many riders and trainers don’t really understand how to apply the Training Scale to their riding and teaching. That is comparable to driving a car on a freeway without knowing how to turn the car on, put it in gear, turn the steering wheel and use the gas or brake pedals. It would be nearly impossible to do that successfully.  

This master class is designed to make the Dressage Training Scale easy to learn, understand and remember so you can apply this amazing tool in your everyday riding and teaching.

Come join The Dressage Training Scale Masterclass where we will dive in deep, look at each level of the training scale individually, and then see how they build upon each other to provide the correct path for success in dressage. By looking at each level both individually and as they relate to each other – you will get a more intimate understanding which will in turn make this tool more useful to you than ever. 

The focus during this class will be learning to recognize and evaluate weak or missing links within the Training Scale in training and riding. Discussion of how things go wrong when the training scale isn’t used, and how to get back on track using the training scale will also take place.  

These two live sessions, approximately 2 Hours each (including time for Q&A) will give an opportunity to learn, discuss and interact together. The first session will focus on the first three levels of the training scale, while the second session will focus on the highest three levels of the training scale.  Get a better understanding of this most essential training tool to develop a horse from backing to Grand Prix dressage.

This master class is designed for any rider that wants a better understanding of how this tool can enhance your training with your horse and/or your student’s horses.

There will be limited space available to enhance the experience for all involved, so sign up now.

Live Session Dates/Times

Session 1:    Monday May 16, 2022    8pm Eastern Time Zone (US)

Session 2:    Monday June 7, 2022    8pm Eastern Time Zone (US)